Documentation of biorbd


This is the document for the library biorbd ( The main goal of this library is to provide biomechanics tools for simulation and modeling.

biorbd is a library to analyze biomechanical data. It provides several useful functions for the direct and inverse flow including rigid body (based on Feathestone equations implemented in RBDL) and muscle elements. Biomechanical data are often analyzed using similar flow, that is inverse or direct. biorbd implements these common analyses providing high-level and easy to use Python and MATLAB interfaces of an efficient C++ implementation.

This documentation was automatically generated for the "ShowMeWhatYouveGot" Release 1.3.3 on the 15th of June, 2020.


To install biorbd, please refer to the file accessible via the github repository or by following this link.


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for future development, you are very welcomed to send me an email at


Enjoy biorbding!