Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Nezc3dNamespace ezc3d
 NDataNSNamespace that holds the Data hierarchy
 NAnalogsNSNamespace that holds the Analogs hierarchy
 CAnalogsAnalog holder for C3D analogous data
 CChannelChannel of an analogous data
 CSubFrameSubframe for the analogous data
 NPoints3dNSNamespace that holds the Points hierarchy
 CPoint3D point data
 CPointsPoints holder for C3D data 3D points data
 CDataData of the C3D file
 CFrameFrame holder for C3D data
 NParametersNSNamespace that holds the Parameters hierarchy
 NGroupNSNamespace that holds the Group and Parameter classes
 CGroupGroup of parameter of a C3D file
 CParameterParameter of a C3D file
 CParametersGroup holder of C3D parameters
 Cc3dMain class for C3D holder
 CHeaderHeader of a C3D file