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__new__(cls, data=None, time=None, **kwargs) special staticmethod

Angles DataArray with axis, channel and time dimensions used for joint angles. angles


Name Type Description Default
data Optional[Union[<built-in function array>, numpy.ndarray, xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray]]

Array to be passed to xarray.DataArray

time Optional[Union[<built-in function array>, list, pandas.core.series.Series]]

Time vector in seconds associated with the data parameter


Keyword argument(s) to be passed to xarray.DataArray



Type Description

Angles xarray.DataArray with the specified data and coordinates


To instantiate an Angles 3 by 3 and 100 frames filled with some random data:

import numpy as np
from pyomeca import Angles

n_axis = 3
n_channel = 4
n_frames = 100
data = np.random.random(size=(n_axis, n_channel, n_frames))
angles = Angles(data)

You can an associate time vector:

rate = 100  # Hz
time = np.arange(start=0, stop=n_frames / rate, step=1 / rate)
angles = Angles(data, time=time)


Calling Angles() generate an empty array.

Source code in pyomeca/
def __new__(
    data: Optional[Union[np.array, np.ndarray, xr.DataArray]] = None,
    time: Optional[Union[np.array, list, pd.Series]] = None,
) -> xr.DataArray:
    Angles DataArray with `axis`, `channel` and `time` dimensions used for joint angles.

        data: Array to be passed to xarray.DataArray
        time: Time vector in seconds associated with the `data` parameter
        kwargs: Keyword argument(s) to be passed to xarray.DataArray

        Angles `xarray.DataArray` with the specified data and coordinates

    !!! example
        To instantiate an `Angles` 3 by 3 and 100 frames filled with some random data:

        import numpy as np
        from pyomeca import Angles

        n_axis = 3
        n_channel = 4
        n_frames = 100
        data = np.random.random(size=(n_axis, n_channel, n_frames))
        angles = Angles(data)

        You can an associate time vector:

        rate = 100  # Hz
        time = np.arange(start=0, stop=n_frames / rate, step=1 / rate)
        angles = Angles(data, time=time)

    !!! note
        Calling `Angles()` generate an empty array.
    coords = {}
    if data is None:
        data = np.ndarray((0, 0, 0))
    if time is not None:
        coords["time"] = time
    return xr.DataArray(
        dims=("axis", "channel", "time"),

from_random_data(distribution='normal', size=(3, 10, 100), **kwargs) classmethod

Create random data from a specified distribution (normal by default) using random walk.


Name Type Description Default
distribution str

Distribution available in numpy.random

size tuple

Shape of the desired array

(3, 10, 100)

Keyword argument(s) to be passed to numpy.random.distribution



Type Description

Random angles xarray.DataArray sampled from a given distribution


To instantiate an Angles with some random data sampled from a normal distribution:

from pyomeca import Angles

n_frames = 100
size = 3, 10, n_frames
angles = Angles.from_random_data(size=size)

You can choose any distribution available in numpy.random:

angles = Angles.from_random_data(distribution="uniform", size=size, low=1, high=10)
Source code in pyomeca/
def from_random_data(
    cls, distribution: str = "normal", size: tuple = (3, 10, 100), **kwargs
) -> xr.DataArray:
    Create random data from a specified distribution (normal by default) using random walk.

        distribution: Distribution available in
        size: Shape of the desired array
        kwargs: Keyword argument(s) to be passed to numpy.random.`distribution`

        Random angles `xarray.DataArray` sampled from a given distribution

    !!! example
        To instantiate an `Angles` with some random data sampled from a normal distribution:

        from pyomeca import Angles

        n_frames = 100
        size = 3, 10, n_frames
        angles = Angles.from_random_data(size=size)

        You can choose any distribution available in

        angles = Angles.from_random_data(distribution="uniform", size=size, low=1, high=10)
    return Angles(getattr(np.random, distribution)(size=size, **kwargs).cumsum(-1))

from_rototrans(rt, angle_sequence) classmethod

Angles DataArray from a rototranslation matrix and specified angle sequence.


Name Type Description Default
rt DataArray

Rototranslation matrix created with pyomeca.Rototrans()

angle_sequence str

Euler sequence of angles. Valid values are all permutations of "xyz"



Type Description

Angles xarray.DataArray from the specified rototrans and angles sequence


To get the euler angles from a random rototranslation matrix with a given angle sequence type:

from pyomeca import Angles, Rototrans

size = (4, 4, 100)
rt = Rototrans.from_random_data(size=size)
angles_sequence = "xyz"

angles = Angles.from_rototrans(rt, angles_sequence)
Source code in pyomeca/
def from_rototrans(cls, rt: xr.DataArray, angle_sequence: str) -> xr.DataArray:
    Angles DataArray from a rototranslation matrix and specified angle sequence.

        rt: Rototranslation matrix created with pyomeca.Rototrans()
        angle_sequence: Euler sequence of angles. Valid values are all permutations of "xyz"

        Angles `xarray.DataArray` from the specified rototrans and angles sequence

    !!! example
        To get the euler angles from a random rototranslation matrix with a given angle sequence type:

        from pyomeca import Angles, Rototrans

        size = (4, 4, 100)
        rt = Rototrans.from_random_data(size=size)
        angles_sequence = "xyz"

        angles = Angles.from_rototrans(rt, angles_sequence)
    return angles.angles_from_rototrans(cls, rt, angle_sequence)